Who is Money Growing Granny?
This is Money Growing Granny (MGG for short). She is a wife, mother, grandmother and semi-retired teacher. This year of 2020, I began my 35th year of working as a professional educator.
Like most people in life, I have areas that I wish I could do all over. Let’s start with college. I first began college at the age of 17, in the field of accounting. One year later, I re-started in the field of computer science. Then a year later, I left college to get a job, move out and be “grown.” I worked at K-Mart for 8 years before losing my job. When I started over, I went into the field of education.
During my desire to be “grown” phase, I had my daughter. By the time she was 5, I realized that she was growing up while I was working. I worked 50 to 60 hours per week at K-Mart, and we did okay.
Then at the age of 26, I began to seek direction on what to do and how to correct my mistakes. That was the first and last time I ever had to apply for unemployment. At that time unemployment benefits were $44.85 cents per week. I did not get enough to pay the rent or car payment. Soon after I lost my job, my husband was laid off for two years. Now, not only was I struggling, but we were struggling, and my life was in a shamble.
Taking Control Of YOUR LIFE Is The First Step In Controlling YOUR Destiny
I grew up as a Christian but never developed a relationship with Christ Jesus. A relationship with the word of God. But I thank God for the prayers of the righteous. I am grateful for those who were praying for me during those times.
I began my educational career as a bus driver. I drove for 6 years while I went to college. I drove the morning bus route from 6:30 am to 9:30 am. Then I rushed to Wayne State University, to be in class by 10:25 am. I attended classes from 10:25 am to 1:15pm then rushed by to the bus garage to drive the afternoon route.
My afternoon route ended at 3:55 pm. So, I rushed by to Wayne State University to attend the evening classes. Evening classes ended at 7:15pm. I rushed home, made a quick dinner. Spent a few minutes with my husband and daughter, then put her to bed. It was during these years that I stopped wearing colored nail polish because it took two weeks to do both hands. I was struggling to hold it together.
Finally, I found a teaching job. I was able to spend more time with my husband and daughter. I never planned to return to college and get the various degrees. My husband and daughter, both supported my desire to further my education. Also, as I continued in education, I learned how to learn.
Taking Control Of SPENDING Is The Second Step In Controlling YOUR Destiny.
I have never been a person who spends a lot of time shopping. Likewise, I like doing things around the house. When we first bought our house, I spent my summers changing the rooms. Not just the color of the walls. But, literally, tearing down walls and creating a new look.
Nonetheless, remodeling cost money. So, to reduce costs, I made everything myself. I went to Home Depot, talked to the professionals to get an understanding of what I was doing. I went to the library and borrowed remodeling books. Then, I completed the project with the direction from the book and professional discussions.
Another way that I saved money during those times was by using lay-a-ways. I don’t know if lay-a-ways still exist. I have not used one in over 10 years. But there are terms like 90 days same as cash.
Applying EXTREME SAVINGS Strategies Third Step In Controlling YOUR Destiny.
As the years passed, we learned how to snowball debt and pay it off. My husband and I worked as a team to payoff everything. We started with credit card debt. One day we realized that we were over $10,000.00 in credit card debt. Our debt occurred during the two-years he was laid off, and I was in college. We learned how to work through the struggle as a team.
Since I am a natural saver, I write all of the checks to pay the bills. I monitor all of the saving accounts and usually investigate savings strategies. We have learned how to save when we buy groceries, pay credit cards, purchase new cards, and more. But, all of our success started when we decided to develop a relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
In my “Senior Sense Makes Cents” articles, I discuss some the ways I save money. I learned that saving money is an art. The better you get at saving the easier it gets to save. In some of my conversations with others about saving money, they get the idea that I do without everything. This is not true. Consequently, I have learned how to save on everything. So check out my articles on savings.
Learning And Applying Biblical Principles Is KEY To Controlling YOUR Destiny.
This has been a very difficult and trying year for most Americans. We have never been faced with the life changes brought on by the Coronavirus. However, we will persevere. These days have taught us to draw closer to God, his wisdom, protection and healing. I hope that our life experiences will help someone else make better and more prosperous decisions.
So here I am, Money Growing Granny. Why did I decide to start blogging? Well, I am semi-retired and want to find something interesting and helpful to others. I once heard that a teacher position, is a servant’s role. I believe that is true. As mothers, then grandmothers we learn how to best serve our family, friends and community.
Finally, I hope that the information I share in my blog will help other mom’s, grandparents, pre-seniors and seniors increase in their quality of life.