prophecy, manifest, time lhouette

How To Best Manifest 2020 Prophecy In You

How to best manifest 2020 prophecy in you, is all inside you through the power of the Holy Spirit? God still manifesting himself in 2020, can 2020 prophecy manifest in you? 

Yes, God is still manifesting his glory in 2020. The prophets says that we are on the verge of the greatest move and manifestation of the Holy Spirit in all time. These moves and manifestations are like individuals who are ready to dive into a pool. This is like standing on the bank of the river ready to jump in. Are you ready to jump in to the best prophecy of 2020, and have manifestations of God’s goodness in your life?

how can you take advantage of the manifestations of the holy spirit

First, you must give earnest heed to the things you have heard about faith and healing. You must take heed to the things you’ve heard about the Holy Spirit and angels. Also, listen to the things you have heard about divine visitations.

What do you remember about the prophecy of Joel 2:28-29?
The prophecy of Joel said God will pour out his Spirit on all flesh. Young men will see visions. Upon my maidens shall I pour out my spirit, they will prophesy. In these anointed days the outflow of the Holy Spirit of God shall be amazing. The anointing of God shall be amazing. There shall be visitations of angels. Don’t be afraid but take heed (pay attention) in these areas. Satan has come as an angel of light. Examine things in light of the scriptures. Walk in the light of the word, for sometimes the angel will give you direction. 

what manifestations should you watch for

First, watch for directions that will guide you concerning financial decisions? For example, investments, do you increase or decrease your investments? The directions will come, even in finances. These directions will save your life. Think about the shipwreck of Paul (Acts 2:27-28:5).

Second, there is the direction in salvation as with Cornelius in Acts 10:1-33 and his household. Review the direction given to Philip as the angel of the Lord spoke to him to go the way of the Ethiopian and they were converted.
In these moves shall come mighty manifestations of the Spirit of God. In these moves, the work that God intended to be done shall be accomplished for the time is short. Things must speed up for the time is short. So, you shall learn faster. Some will say that you matured in the word of God overnight. 

Manifested callings and understandings in the mysteries of god shall increase

Those who mature shall go forth and speak in the name of the Lord Jesus. Why, because they will understand the principles of faith.  

  • They will understand the principles of the Kingdom of God.  
  • They will understand the laws of God.  
  • They will operate and minister in that area.   
  • Nothing shall be hidden from them. 
  • Some have operated in a measure in these areas in the past. 

Who is included in the manifestations and anointings

The key to understanding the Bible is to determine to whom the particular scripture is written (2 Timothy 2:15). Some anointing shall be restored. Some were restored on the night of this prophecy year ago. Their manifestations shall come and the glory of the Lord shall come upon them. God’s glory shall be seen around and about the building and the cloud of God shall come and fill the house of God. It will seem as though the whole building is filled with smoke because the glory of God shall be in manifestation. 

The Manifestations and Sounds of Mighty winds

Great shall be the noise of the praise and adoration that shall go up from the people. It shall be noise from abroad. Men from afar shall hear the noise. Men from afar shall come to see the manifestations in these days. God shall manifest in all the ways that he manifests in the old and new covenant. 

The Spirit of God shall multiply. These days will grow more and more wicked because Satan knows his time is short. Satan and all of his cohorts and evil spirits will go about as never before to devour. Therefore the glory of God and the power of God shall be increased. It shall be multiplied. It shall flow like a mighty river. Millions, not hundreds, not thousands, but millions shall be swept into the flow of God’s mighty river.

Flow and Movement of the Manifestations

The glory of God is very powerful. The anointing and power of the glory shall flow forward in praises. Yes, the glory of the Lord is in manifestation. The glory of the Lord will be seen on the face of the saints. We going to be separated unto Him more and more. The light of His glory and grace is even going to show on our faces (2 Corinthians 3:18).

You have been reconciled to God, so you can be presented holy, un-blamable, and un-reprovable in His sight (Colossians 1:21-22). You will be presented faultless before the presence of His glory (Jude 24).  The glory of God shall shine forth until men walk into a business and people shall fall on their knees and cry out to God, although the man said nothing.

Women shall walk into a place of business and people shall fall on their knees and cry out to God though she did not open her mouth. Yes, the manifestation of God’s glory has been reserved until this hour. The glory appeared in the Old Testament, it could be seen. It was not a mist; it was a cloud and fire.

Financial Manifestations and Anointing

So how could it be told that your eyes could see the glory of God? The glory appeared in the upper room on the Day of Pentecost, and sat on the head of each person there (Acts 2:1-4). What could be a tangible thing you could see with your physical eye?  Even if it could be seen with your spiritual eyes, what could be displayed?

Even if you could see it, it would be very difficult for you to accept that you have seen the anointing. But as you walk with the Lord, you trust. As you prepare your heart, you trust. As you feed upon his word, you trust. As you listen to what the word of God says, your heart shall be prepared. Your mind will be changed until you flow in the supernatural and naturally as a bird will fly in the air. You’ll flow in the supernatural as naturally as a fish will swim in the water.

You’ll flow in the supernatural as naturally as you will breathe in the air.  You’ll not be conscious of your faith. You will not be conscious of what’s going on around you. But, you’ll be more conscious of the Spirit of God. He will manifest himself. He will accomplish that which He desires for you. 

As you see these things you will see these are the last days. Remember, this is the end of the end-times and what must be done, must be done quickly. It will be in the hearts of many, and what is done will cause many to rejoice. So rejoice and prepare your hearts, let the Lord prepare you for that which is prepared for you. So you will walk, you shall run, you shall fly. You shall enjoy the fulness which is provided for you.

Now Use Your Faith To Manifest Your Finances Consider your finances as an individual, as a group, as a school, as a church or ministry. Don’t look or think as the world thinks. Don’t think as humans think, but think in line with what God has said. Realize that all you need is here in this realm.

Manifesting The Hidden Treasures and Mysteries

 In this world are hidden treasures, even in the ground that men have not discovered, yet. These things are here. God put them here for your benefit. They are here for the church’s benefit.

They are here for God’s people to benefit individually. So there shall come revelation in these areas. There shall come guidance in these areas that shall bless many. So use your faith. We can know the mysteries of God by praying in tongues, or praying mysteries. When you pray in tongues, your mind doesn’t know what is being said, but your spirit does know (1 Corinthians 14:2, 14-15).

Use it in the area of finances like you did in the area of the new birth. Use your faith as you did in the areas of healing. Those same scriptural principles of faith and the money will flow. Yes, speak to Satan, don’t be afraid of him.

the Manifestation of your words

Don’t Be Afraid Of Circumstances That Come Against you don’t be afraid of circumstances. Don’t magnify the circumstances. Don’t talk and build-up the circumstances, or the lack. But, talk about “the supply.” Talk about the source. Talk about the good one. Talk about the merciful one, for he is good and full of mercy.  You will see the manifestation of your words.

Speak to the situation as David did to Goliath. Tell it today the Lord will conquer you, and I will kill you and cut off your head” (1 Samuel 17:45-46)As you command Satan to take his hands off your finances and claim every need met. You will see. You will see the place where you will go out beyond your needs to your wants.

You shall state your wants and they shall be met. For it is written, the Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want. It is written the young lions suffer hunger and lack, but there is no want to them that fear the Lord (Psalms 34:9). It shall surely come.

But command Satan to take his hands off your finances. So speak to the angels. Do not pray to the angels, but speak to the angels. Speak to the angels as you would someone to serve you. Say, go ministering spirits and cause my money to come. Then, when you are tempted to doubt, even in the night time when there seems to be nothing for which to shout, just begin to laugh.

Remember the Manifested Spirit Flows

Then say Satan, you know as well as I know that the angels are at work when I sleep. So you go, for I will sleep as they work. Remember, it is written, out of the belly shall flow rivers of living water (John 7:38). 
The spirit flows like a river. The spirit falls like rain. The spirit in the new birth is like a well of water in you springing up to everlasting life.

Find out which way the Spirit is flowing and flow with him. Go in that direction and the flow shall be increased. If you walk in the flow, the Lord will join another with you. Yes, another one who flows in the spirit. The two of you will flow together into one. There will be a might Mississippi of God’s power. This flow will go forth to bless humanity in this hour. They will flow in the next hour and the next hour. So flow man, and flow woman for the Lord is moving in this hour. Move with the Lord.


We open by forwarding a prophecy of Kenneth Hagin for 2020. The prophecy states that we are on the verge of the greatest move and manifestation of the Holy Spirit in all time. We continue to describe that the prophecy describes moves and manifestations of God in the last days. 

Next, we show that this prophecy is based on the prophecy of Joel 2:28-29. After that, we state manifestations you should watch for during these times. Next, we explain that the manifestations shall occur in those who are matured in the word. We also explain that those who seek God will grow and mature quickly in his word. We move forward to show that you’ll flow in the supernatural naturally. 

Besides, growth leads to trust and an increase in the anointing of God. The anointing leads to greater manifestations of his glory.  We also explain that circumstances may arise, but don’t fear, instead speak to your angels. We finish by stating that as you grow and flow, the Lord will join you with someone else who also flows, and both of you will become a mighty river as you flow in God’s power.

Be sure to enjoy faithful prayers post.