panic in 2020, experts conceive

What Experts Conceive End-time panic of 2020

Are you concerned about what experts conceive for end-time events that cause panic like we saw in 2020? 

Did 2020 illustrate the time of the beginning, middle or close to the end of the church age? More importantly, do you believe that the events were foretold and are occurring right now?

Are you confused about the events and the things that are happening right now? If you are a believer, should you be afraid of reading or studying the Book of Revelation?

My goal in this article is to show you the bible scripture and the events of 2020 or before that demonstrate end-time prophetic events. This is not to convince you that we are living in the tribulation, but that we should be watching and praying more earnestly.

This article is based off of the predictions stated in Revelation 6:8. These are the content areas I believe give the most insight.

  1. The six signs that cover the advent at the end of the tribulation
  2. The link between the infectious diseases, plagues and beast of the field
  3. Global warming affects on the growth of zoonotic diseases
  4. Hoarding and famine situations from 2020
  5. How to prepare for an emergency during an end-time panic
  6. Introduction of new disease, Cov-2 variant

According to 2 Timothy 3:1-3 there will be perilous times. What are perilous times? Who causes these times to come? What type of things might we see?

Perilous times are very dangerous times, times such as we live in today. According to the bible the times will be as they were in the days of Noah, before the flood. Additionally, we know that the cause of these times is Satan. He knows that his time on earth is coming to an end, so he is creating havoc everywhere. 

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Experts Name some End-Time Event Influencers

What do we already know about the end-time panic? Most Christians know or have heard that the following six events will happen. Some Christians do not know more because traditions have caused them to fear the very word that was spoken to protect them. 

That fear made them afraid to learn more about the end of the church age. These 6 signs cover the second advent which is at the end of the tribulation period according to Matthew 24:32-34

  • Deception by false-Christs 
  • Disputes and wars between nations
  • Devastation throughout the world
  • Deliverance of believers to tribulation
  • Defection of false believers
  • Gospel declared to whole world
Studies from biblical experts Dr. David Jeremiah, Dr. Irving Baxter and Jimmy Evans, show that we are living in very perilous times. However, the tribulation has to be worse than the things that are happening now. Could these events be a spill-over of the tribulations? They believe that the events of 2020 could be a spill-over from the tribulation. 

daily evidence that supports end-time panic in 2020 and even more in 2024

What is the most recent event that supports the theories of the biblical experts? 

The most recent and probably the one showing the most devastation suffered by the entire world, is the Covid-19 Plague. 

Is there a link between infectious diseases, plagues and beast of the field? According to Jesus, in Revelation 6:8, one-fourth of mankind would die due the sword, (bullets, bombings, gunfire, etc), famine, plague and beast of the earth. 

What do the beast of the field have to do with infectious diseases?  How do these infectious diseases from beast get to us? We we know that a beast is an animal. In a 2005 historical research publication, infectious disease experts E. F. Torrey and R. F. Yolken, explained how the relationship between animals and humans has changed. 

Historically, the relationship was as a village hunter, now the relationship has changed to international consumer and pet owner. This change has allowed the beast of the field to be in the house of the individual. The study was continued by Collin R. Howard. 

His research revealed that the importing of beasts has developed the emerging of infectious diseases. This change in the relationship and environment of the beasts has created a situation where individuals are more exposed to the dangers of the beasts of the fields.

Experts Reveal Global Warming Supports Infectious Disease Growth

Has global warming supported the growth of infectious diseases? Yet, again according to Jesus, in Revelation 16:8-9, the plague of heat from the sun is intensified, to the point of burning the people. Currently, we hear a lot about the problems associated with global warming. 

However, many of us have never thought about global warming increasing the growth of infectious diseases. Nonetheless, scientist are stating that “approximately 60% of emerging human pathogens are zoonotic in nature.” This means that 60% of the infectious diseases are starting from the beast of the fields. In addition, there is more in the actual article, which is free, and available with the resource section below.

The above scientific article was not written to prove end-time bible prophecy. However, they are showing that the Word of God shall come to pass. 

Why were these things written? Jesus said so that you would know what is to come, and when it happens you would believe on him (John 13:19). So that you would have a choice to believe on him, or parish. Therefore, how do we escape these events and live in peace? According to Revelation 9, we simply repent, and give God the glory. 

Did End-time Signs Cause 2020 Toilet Paper Panic

What Other End-time Signs Caused Panic in 2020?

What caused the toilet paper scarcity of 2020? I believe it was fear. We know that fear will cause us to do stupid things. So was hoarding toilet paper fear based? Yes, Why do I say yes, it was fear? Toilet paper cannot be cooked, eaten or drank. So how could you use it if you are hungry? 

toilet paper, panic

Nevertheless, the toilet paper hoarding did cause panic, and it made most Americans face the reality of the affects of famine.

So what should we do differently and how do we prepare for 2021?

What Experts are saying about 2020 famine, now what in 2024?

What are the experts saying about famines? Do they really exist in our day and time? Was 2020 just a bad year?

How To Prepare For an Emergency During an End-time Panic


Some experts are saying that the famines are not coming, rather they are already here. In this US News newspaper article, from May 2020, we can see famine issues that emerged in 2023. 

For additional reading of this article, click on this US News Famine link.

Do economic and bible experts agree about the coming famine? Should we be concerned and prepare for an end-time famine? If so, how should we prepare? 

According to survival experts, we should always be prepared for an emergency. These experts believe we should always have and know the following information.

  1. We should always have a lot of food and water, about a 30 day supply.
  2. You should find out all you can about famines –  how they begin, what perpetuates them, and how they end.
  3. Learn how to sustain your food supply. The best survival strategy for long-term famine is the ability to grow your own food.
  4. You should know when and where food and water assistance will be distributed. Distribution information should be available on local news and state emergency agencies.
  5. In a famine – chaos will breed all sorts of danger. You will need to arm yourself to protect yourself and your loved ones and your supplies. 
  6. Keep your mouth shut. In a famine you don’t want to advertise that you have large stashes of food and water, and guns and ammunition.
  7. Stay informed and up-to-date on the situations so you know what’s being done to mitigate the famine. 
  8. Make a predetermined “bug-out” location. That location should be able to sustain you, and whomever you bring, for an indefinite period of time, it should offer shelter from the elements.
The full article offers additional information and survival strategies. Click on survival to view the survival news link.

Introduction of the new disease Cov-2 variant

If we review Revelation 6:8 again, we see that it states that one-fourth of mankind would die due the sword, (bullets, bombings, gunfire, etc), famine, plague and beast of the earth. 

Accordingly, the pandemic has initiated the new Cov-2 variant. The Cov-2 variant is more deadly, and contagious than Covid-19. These warning reveal the findings of the Center for Disease Control concerning the stronger strain of the coronavirus.

Below are links to a couple of the warnings for the 2021 Cov-2 variant.  

-, disease, cov2

Emergence of SARS-CoV-2 B.1.1.7 Lineage — United States, December 29, 2020–January 12, 2021

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)

You can read more about Cov-2 from the CDC report with this Morbidity link.


We began by discussing concerns about end-time events. Then we state the goal of the article is to show current events that support bible prophecy. We go on to define perilous times according to the Bible. After that we state and list the six end-time events that will occur during the second-advent and the tribulation. 

We move forward into the link between infectious disease, the plague and beast of the field. Then we explain how global warming supports the growth of zoonotic diseases. Finally, we state the reality check that was created by the toilet paper scarcity and the food shortage famine of 2020.

For more information concerning current end-time events that are happening now, check out our article cashless spending and money shortage.


Emergence of SARS-CoV-2 B.1.1.7 Lineage- United States, December 29, 2020- January 12, 2021
Emerging Infectious Diseases, Vol.11, No.7, July 2005
Implication of Global Warming on the Emergence of Zoonotic Diseases
manifestations, prophecy
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